Cardiac Output Monitor
Product Code : EV1000 Vigilance II Vigileo
Cardiac Out put Monitor
The EV1000 is a monitoring platform that displays both intermittent and continuous hemodynamic measurements related to the assessment of the essential components of oxygen delivery as well as the balance of oxygen delivery against consumption. The EV1000 system assists the clinician in assessing the patient’s status and supports clinical decisions related to the optimization of oxygen delivery through the management of preload, afterload, and contractility. In addition, the EV1000 can assess Extra Vascular Lung Water (EVLW) as an indicator of pulmonary edema. The continuous parametric measurements provided from an arterial line via an Edwards CO sensor include cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), and stroke volume variation (SVV). When combined with a TruWave transducer for monitoring central venous pressure, the Edwards CO sensor is also able to measure continuous system vascular resistance (SVR). Continuous Venous Oximetry is a valuable tool for monitoring the balance between oxygen delivery and consumption. Continuous oximetry measurements are performed using any Edwards oximetry catheter. The intermittent parametric measurements require use of a VolumeView catheter in a femoral artery, a CVC (central venous catheter) thermistor manifold, and a central venous pressure measurement. The intermittent parameters include cardiac output (iCO), stroke volume (iSV), systemic vascular resistance (iSVR), global end-diastolic volume (GEDV) and extravascular lung water (EVLW). The following hemodynamic parameters can be measured and displayed on the EV1000 monitor.